Saturday, February 27, 2010


When collaborating in an online learning community, you should be assessed by your community. It is important to connect to each other and motivate each other during your class tenure. If assessment is communicating constantly and providing feedback then your learning community should provide you with that feedback and ensure your understand your goal.

The instructor should learn his students and their potential, one way is by talking to them or just noticing their work and providing timely feedback seeing their possible responses. Some students are not at the levels where you want them to be so then you should change the grading scale to make it fit all the students needs and capabilities. It becomes a lot of work but it is fair and consistent.

When you have someone who is non-participant in a group you should to the mention to them the importance of the learning experience and find out what is going on and try to motivate them. The instructor should be the mediator and possible do the same thing that the learning community is doing and remind them of the mission.

Some people are hard to change and there should be allowances in working with that or those individuals. However the engineering of the plane made it clear for me that in some tasks there is more than one person needed to operate or design the model and that their input will allow the project to be complete and have less problems.

The Theory and Practice of Online Learning
Collaborating Online - Learning Together in Community
Videos from the Walden Resources Page

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Post 3

I need help! Can anyone tell me how to put my storyboard on here? I did it in PowerPoint and I do not know how to copy and paste it. Please advise.


Friday, January 1, 2010

Blog Post 2

I agree with George Siemens view on distance education and communication is rapidly changing. When calling to talk to people locally or long distance it is now cheaper than it was in the past. The voice quality is much better and clearer. I feel that communication has evolved because you can talk from a computer, you can instant message someone overseas without paying for the talk time, you can use the computer as a telephone and you can use the internet.

The cell phone and the computer are the most powerful means of communication and they are used more than any other means of communication. You have programs such as instant messaging, social websites, chats, blogs, and wikis among others that allow you to communicate from anywhere.

On blog spot the communications of twittering was explored and an explanation of Rodgers Diffusion of Innovation Model.

Next communications was successful in incorporating the political aspect to the education world for the President's speech to our youth.